Relationship, Separations, Divorce

The relationship is full of beautiful memories.

There was a time when it seemed like you would always be in love.

Each time you looked at each other, both of you felt loved.

The way you made each other feel was beautiful to experience.

And you knew that how you felt would continue forever.

Somewhere along the way – life became more complicated.

Careers or other interests began to cause both of you to change your focus – away from each other.

Maybe children were added to the family and needed attention, causing you to pay less attention to your relationship.

The energy that you had for one another began to change as each of you tried to survive the daily demands.

Now it seems like the way you both felt about each other has disappeared. And now, you have started to consider your options for moving beyond the relationship.

You can stay and work this out.

Staying in a relationship will take a lot of work, and you are not sure that either your partner or you want to put the energy into it.

Maybe your relationship has run its course.

Perhaps, the relationship has reached a new stage – the honeymoon phase ended.

Or even the step after the honeymoon phase is over.

No matter where you are in your relationship – I can help.

As you and your partner develop in various ways through life, your relationship must move with it.

Seeking help could be the opportunity you’ve needed to have the relationship you want – a new relationship with the same partner.

It is my hope to help couples renew their relationships and stay together.

Our work together will require commitment and a lot of hard work, and if you’re ready to get started, so am I.

The reality is that not all couples stay together.

That’s ok. Maybe it’s time to negotiate how best to relate to each other moving forward.

If moving forward is the only option, you may want to talk about parenting your children from separate households.

Perhaps both of you are better friends than lovers and want to maintain that friendship, or you already feel alone and are struggling to navigate through these painful feelings.

Wherever you are in your relationship status, you don’t have to do this alone. Call me today to schedule an appointment.

Aaron J Boggs's profile on the Gottman Referral Network